Wednesday, October 3, 2012

If you give a luna some kool aide....

 The Kool-Aide Man Commeth
A Poem
       It was early on Tuesday and my wife and I did try to sleep...we hoped and we prayed that the children would not make a peep.  Of course the baby, fare Luna, she did wake up.  And the fourteen year old thought that it would be best to put kool aide in her sippy cup.  
Milk it was not, so like poison it did taste.  
         The baby wailed and howled and whined at an alarming pace.  I jolted out of bed with hardly a was the oblivious fourteen year old that I wanted to scare. 
        "If you give a Luna some Kool Aide at 6:30 in the morn, she will be so active, crazy and wild that you will wish you were never born!"  "Why she asked?" with a confused look in her eye..."Because if you give a Luna Kool will be watching her...not I!"

Stop the Rhyming I Mean it!

Anybody want a peanut.

Poem aside...In all seriousness, I was going to kill the fourteen year old.  The baby woke up early, she gave her a cup full of Kool-Aide, put her in our bed while we were both too groggy to immediately know what was going on and ran away.  When I confronted her about it she gave this goofy, oblivious face and said "She wanted the Kool-Aide...I didn't know I wasn't supposed to give it to her!"  Yeah, my actions following that statement were far from poetic.