Thursday, November 8, 2012

A few days late...but...Halloween 2012

    Okay, we have all been pretty busy have all of you, I am sure, so there has been a lot going on that I never got around to writing about, that's just what seems to happen, sadly.  Life moves by on a conveyer belt while your "Want to Do" list gets passed up by your much more important "Must Do" list.  So, we have all been doing what we must do.  And now I have a few moments to write...yay!  So this was Luna's first mobile Halloween.  Last year she dressed as a Bee and was as mobile as an 8 month old could possibly be.  Which is crawling on the floor when she is given any chance and eating whatever she could get her hands on...candy, wrappers, hairballs, bandaids...whatever.
     Now she is a runner...and a screamer.  The baby's gracious godmother (she's not a fairy godmother...but she did dress as a ladybug for Halloween...close enough) bought her a sparkly pink cupcake costume.  Picture a small screaming cupcake fueled by sugar and stolen sips of soda running up and down the sidewalks demanding screeching joyfully.  The fourteen year old dressed as a hippie and took joy in begging for candy.  Lousy candy loving hippies! 
                                          "You get this one and I get the speaks the

She seemed to have a sense that her trick or treating days are woefully numbered.  14 is safe for trick or treating...maybe even 15, but once you turn 16 the world of Halloween shuts its collective doors on you.  If you can legally drive, you can go get a job and then go buy your own damn candy.  From 16 to 20 Halloween sort of looses its luster.  Once you're 21 though....woohoo!  Halloween is back, baby!  I wonder what the statistics are on people mixing candy corn with Grey Goose Vodka.  I am sure they are pretty high.
     The funny thing about the pink screaming cupcake baby is that she didn't have any concept on why these people were giving her candy.  She seemed a bit reluctant at each person she came to the evil eye.  Once that candy hit her Scooby-Doo bucket, her face lit up and she was on her way.  Not even the wrappers stopped her.  There was more than one jumbo tootsie roll that her little sharp teeth tore into.  By the end of the night parents, the godmother and 14 year old sister were all pooped out, but the hyper screeching cupcake seemed to vibrate in her car seat, hopped up on high fructose corn syrup.  Once she reached the house though, that sugar crash happened and she was out.  We peeled off her costume and put her in her crib.
    As the days after Halloween passed, Luna seemed puzzled by what had happened.  She constantly asked to wear her costume and once we obliged, she wanted to run outside, hoping that Halloween would magically restart.  When My wife and I went to vote on Tuesday, our local polling place was in a nearby garage.  I held the baby as we walked to the polls.  Her face lit up and she started saying "Trick or Treat"  and "Candy!"  Sadly, we received no candy that day...but I did wear my "I voted" sticker with pride...until Luna took it off my shirt and tried to eat it.   

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